Staff on TAFE Boards

Standards Of Behavior


Under the Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities, Directors have a duty to use information appropriately.  This means respecting confidentiality and using discretion, prudence and good judgement.  You should only use information gained as a Board member for purposes intended by the Board and for purposes that are in the interests of the public entity as judged by the Board.  Be conscious that Board members hold privileged information and that strict rules of confidentiality apply to that information and be well informed about Victorian privacy and protected disclosure legislation. Staff elected membes are prohibited from reporting back or sharing the confidential information they obtain as a result of the position on the Board with staff. 

Never communicate official information for other than official purposes without the Board’s permission.  This includes leaking information to the media, clients of the public entity or to stakeholders.

Board members must use information appropriately by ensuring it is only applied to proper purposes, maintaining confidentiality and not seeking to gain undue benefit for any party.

A Board may also require directors to sign a Deed of Confidentiality, binding them to maintain confidentiality over information they become privy to in their role on the Board.