Staff on TAFE Boards

Terms and Conditions

Remuneration and Expenses

The remuneration for each TAFE Board is dependent on the size of the TAFE as set out in the Government’s Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines and is adjusted from time to time by the Government. There are a number of exclusions and exceptions under these Guidelines.

There are limited circumstances in which public sector employees may be eligible for remuneration for their service on a Victorian Government board as set out in the Government’s Guidelines. Employees of universities and Victorian local governments are not considered to be ‘public sector employees’ for the purpose of the Government’s Appointment and Remuneration Guidelines.

In relation to the staff elected Director, full-time employees of a TAFE Institute are ineligible for remuneration and only part time employees who are able to perform board duties in his or her own time (outside of their employment hours) or during periods of approved annual leave are eligible for remuneration.  Where there is a requirement for a full-time employee or part-time employee who is unremunerated to attend Board meetings during working hours, agreement may be reached with the employer for approved leave or through a flexible working arrangement.

All board Directors are eligible for reimbursement of reasonable out of pocket expenses related to their Board duties.

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