Staff on TAFE Boards

How the Board Operates

Board Committees

TAFE Boards are empowered to establish committees which help distribute their workload. This enables each committee to perform a more detailed analysis of important or sensitive matters before making recommendations for the Board to consider.

Membership of Board committees is not restricted to directors of the public entity, but it is wise to have a majority of non-executive directors. It is not appropriate to appoint staff to be members of Board committees unless they are appointed in their capacity as a Director, although staff will most often be invited to attend and resource the committee as needed.

Committees will operate according to a Committee Charter or Terms of Reference approved by the Board and each committee should report back to the next Board meeting. Generally, Committees will refer all decisions back to the Board unless it has a delegation from the Board to make a decision. They will report back to the Board on any exercise of that delegation and matters considered by the Committee. 

A TAFE Board is currently required by the Direction of the Minister for Finance, to have an Audit and Risk Management Committee, and by Government Sector Executive Remuneration Policy to have a Remuneration Committee.  The mandatory composition and duties of these committees are specified in the relevant instruments.  It is also common for Boards to have a Membership Committee to make recommendations to the Board on Board appointments.

Directors are expected to serve on committees and to share the workload of the Board, much of which is undertaken by the committees.