About this Module


This module is designed to provide information to prospective staff members that complements internal information processes. The intent would be to provide an overview that can be adopted by each TAFE Institute.

How to move around this module

NavigationUse the Table of Contents at the top right of each screen to navigate to different sections of the Module. 

Many screens contain links in orange text that will take you out of this site to additional third party information. 

How to move between screens

Back and Forward NavigitationUse the left and right arrows located at the top and bottom of each screen to move back or forward one screen. 

You can also move directly to a specific screen by clicking on it's title in the Table of Contents at the top right hand side all screens. 


Print BookYou can print the whole module or individual screens or "chapters" by clicking on the small cog at the top of each screen and choosing either:

Print Book
(whole Module)

Print this Chapter
(Current Screen)

A new smaller window will open with the content. Look for the "Print this Book" link at the top of this window to print or save to a PDF file.

Vitictulutre at Melbourne Polytechnic